Seizing Hope in Perilous Times.

We of the Faith have known that these are perilous times and that we are living in the last days. We know this because the Bible, our authoritative guide for faith, life and doctrine reveals this to us. We live, more so now than ever before, with the expectation of Christ’s soon return for His church. The world events surrounding this latest pandemic has sparked a new hope, even longing for Heaven, our home.

Having said this, I can’t help but sense from some, however, that their longing for home may have to do as much with escapism as it does hope. Don’t get me wrong! We should not feel at home in this world, nor lay up treasures here, nor expect to be here very long. But, the fact that we are here now is not without meaning. The fact that these are difficult times and that some who have been of the faith now have hearts that are failing with fear, should not cause us to feel that we have served our purpose or that we are out of our season. You are not ready to be placed in a mausoleum or a museum just yet.

Let me call to your remembrance the words of Mordecai to Queen Esther in Esther 4:14 “who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Based upon this scripture and the time in which we are living, allow me to make the following observations. These observations are based on a singular foundation; God never makes mistakes!

  1. This is your unique time! You were born, called, anointed, and appointed for this time. You could not be more effective at another point of time in history or future.

  2. This is your unique crisis. Every experience of your life has prepared you to minister in this time of pandemic. Every sermon, song, inspiration from the Holy Spirit has been your preparation.

  3. This is your unique opportunity. Now is your time to speak. Now is the time to flow in your calling, anointing, and giftedness. If necessary, God would raise up another to accomplish His purpose, but He has called you to this time.

In the worst of times, give God your best!
Bishop White