About 15 years ago a sermon was preached entitled “When the majority isn’t right.”  The message spoke about the strengths and weaknesses of living in a democracy.  To the point,  it spoke of the fact that sometimes the majority votes and makes the wrong decision.  Then, those in the minority are at the least somewhat affected by the majority’s decision. Boy, it would be really easy here for me to speak of the 2020 Presidential election.  I digress!

Listen to some instances where the majority voted and got it wrong.

  • The majority once said the world was flat

  • The majority once said that the sun, planted, and stars revolve around the earth

  • The majority once said that slavery was good

  • The majority once said women were of less value than men

  • The majority has voted that a human embryo is subhuman

  • The majority voted and Jesus was crucified

When we believe the majority has it wrong we must be willing to stand in the minority or maybe even alone. This is a position that very few are willing to stand in. Group talk and group pressure often cause individuals with opposing views to go silent, acquiesce, or enter tacit agreement to avoid being viewed as less than. I’ve witnessed individuals agree to things they naturally abhor and vote for people whom they personally oppose because doing so seemed to be the currently acceptable thing to do. It’s adult peer pressure!

So, living in a wonderfully democratic nation and most often church culture, what do we do when we sense the majority is wrong?

Let us begin with the question, when is the majority wrong?

  1. When the Bible clearly counters it then the majority is wrong.
    For example, the Bible is clear on the subjects of drunkenness, homosexuality, premarital sex, the sanctity of marriage, genders (male and female only), the sanctity of life, only one way to salvation, creation… It matters not on these subjects how the majority would vote, the word of God has the final word.

  2. When God speaks against it, the majority is wrong.

    I’m speaking here about personally held convictions.  These are things about which God has dealt with you in prayer but are not specific to the Bible.  These are things for which you and you alone are responsible.  These are convictions that you can not force on others ie… don’t watch t.v, don’t shop on Sunday, fast on Thursday, and give 20% tithe.  The fact is the majority even in the church may not agree with you but you alone are accountable to God.

  3. When unnecessary harm will follow the majority is wrong.

    In Acts 27 the majority said let’s set sail. Paul however said he perceived danger awaited if they sailed. The majority win out but they were shipwrecked.

    The majority is voting in favor today of so many harmful things ie… abortion, gay normalization, and gender manipulation. All of these things bring harm to society. Beware of cultural appropriation in the church. It will be devastating.

  4. When fear, hate, and greed are motivating factors the majority is wrong.

    We see this on the evening news daily.


  1. Get in or get out! There can be no fence straddling here.

  2. Be ready to bear the consequences. It could be a long, lonely, bumpy ride. Remember you will answer to God for the stand you take.

  3. Speak the truth with love and clarity. Don’t fear speaking truth to power or the masses. You must watch your attitude.

  4. Look for the opportunity to minister. When the masses are wrong they are the mission field.

  5. Listen to the voice of God. You are going to need encouragement, strength, and endurance. He will be your source.

Brothers and sisters, let us do what is right no matter the cost, the pain, the loss of status, or the inconvenience. Let God be true…